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Julius "KoviNo" Caldwell rapper from San Diego, CA currently residing in Texas. Born on October 30, 1993 raised by his single mother and grandmother with 2 younger siblings. He express his words through his music and poetry writing. Life truly hit KoviNo once his grandmother passed away in 2015 the year before he enlisted in the Army. He faced alot of challenges that could've gone wrong and changed his life forever but he was focused and stayed on a narrow path and found his way.

Julius Caldwell is born October 30, 1993 in San Diego, California. He was raised by his mother and grandmother in southeast San Diego. He graduated high school in 2012 graduating 3 months early from his peers. He pulled his self out of public school after dealing with challenges (gang influence, drugs, ditching, etc...) and enrolled his self into an Independent Charter school where he was given 1 on 1 attention with the teacher he was assigned to. He then attended San Diego City College where he persued music and audio engineering. Dealing with financial struggles back home he had to drop out of college and get 2 jobs to help his mother support the household with his 2 younger siblings.

He then became friends with a producer name Bazil who is a producer and audio engineer. He spent a lot of time in his home studio learning more of the fundamentals of production in music where he spent nights at his house working on projects and collabing with bazil in production work.

In 2016 he joined the army as a 92A (Logistics Specialist) he did 4 years in service and was medically discharged out of the army due to health issues. While in the army he still continued to write and record music and built a studio inside of his barracks in Fort Bliss, TX where he was last stationed before getting discharged. He studied more into audio engineering and was able to produce music from his barracks during his free time.

2019 once released from the military he gained employment as a contractor to where he was able to make enough to build another studio in his apartment and was able to continue recording and publishing music. In 2020 he met his wife Peiamusa Alexander-Robinson who was also in the music business and was able to help him succeed in music as an artist and audio engineer. 2021 they got married and bought a house where they now have a home studio to continue their music career. He as then since released an EP (Afterlife) an album (Finesse Season 1) a music video (Darker Days) and 2 singles leading to his next album (30 in Racks ft. Yezo & Check)

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